Our staff strive to help every child to follow our prophet’s Islamic teachings. However, five hours weekly is not enough. We encourage every parent and member of our community to join hand and help us with our mission.
Please help your children benefit from this program by reinforcing our guidelines:

  • Respect yourself, respect others (colleagues & teachers), and respect your masjid
  • Encourage them to pray Fajr and eat a healthy breakfast so they are alert and ready to learn. No snacks or toys are allowed upon entering the classroom
  • The school starts every Sunday at 9:30 Am.So,Please do not drop children off before 9:15 am as our staff members are busy preparing for class and are not available to monitor children. They must sign in by 9:30 am so they do not miss any important announcements. The student that comes late for more than 15 minutes will not be accepted in class and will be marked as absent. Three, simultaneous or unexcused tardiness/absences will result in dropping your child from the semester.
  • Please bring your child every Sunday, any absence should be justified, and “homework was not done” should not be one of those excuses.
  • If your child is struggling with their assignments, please reach out to your child’s teacher via email, text, or through “remind” for any clarification or guidance.
  • Pencils, notebooks, workbooks, textbooks, folders… are required materials for your child’s learning, so please ensure that they are in included in their backpack prior to their arrival.
  • Your child must be picked up promptly by 14:30 pm
  • Engage with your kids and ask them about their day at school, ask them what they have learned, challenge then and reinforce their knowledge … They will surprise you!